Im in the studio working on atleast 5 new mixtapes for your downloading pleasures!
First Ive got the Blue Tape Vol.6 coming your way soon. This will be on a slightly energetic to relaxed jazzy hip hop vibe.This mixtape will be perfect for zoning out and having a headnod hip hop session!
I also have a few mixtapes Im working on as part of the Cafe Jazz series, which is originally a pause tape from a fellow blogger and tastemaster known as M.S.J. I will be re-doing his Cafe Jazz mixtapes and forming them into a continuous mix for some relaxing jazzy hip hop fore sure!
I also have Blue Tape Vol. 7 & 8 in the pipelines which will be some of my most laidback of mixtapes featuring some exclusives from 9th Wonder & Murs, Little Brother, and many more!
Go here to download all my mixtapes: http://www.tapesfromthareaper.podomatic.com/