Saturday, June 12, 2010

My blogging vacation.

I went on something like a blogging vacation. I had a great time chilling at the lake and hanging out with a friend of mine who lives in California.

I had the chance to jump on the S.O.T.C. show which is a underground hip hop show that a friend of mine does when he fills in for any of the hip hop DJ's.

(Sorry for the blurry images. Those are the pics I took of myself and my crew from the radio station.)

I also had a chance to meet a fellow blogger who I regularly read on here who also happens to have a college radio show.

Go here to download the mix I did for the S.O.T.C. Underground hip hop show:

1 comment:

  1. hey! it was awesome meeting you too! given that Cleveland's the biggest small town ever, I'm sure it won't be the last time.

    Also, I can't find my playlist for that show you recorded to save my life! I probably have half of it saved from my laptop but I know I played stuff from the station library that week too.

    keep up the good work!
